My Journey
Meet Irene
In 2019 I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, followed shortly after by a second diagnosis of Scleroderma, a rare autoimmune disease that seriously affects many organs and other body areas. I was always the person who people relied upon, a successful business owner since 2000, yet I found myself completely broken.
Bit by bit the illnesses took pieces of me away: surgical removal of body parts; my beloved business; many friends; my fitness and, at times, my will to live. My weight had ballooned to around 100kg. I could not physically get up, if I was down, due to muscle weakness. I was falling and I had so much pain in my feet that I could only wear thongs or ugg boots.
There were two key turning points for me: One was discovering how powerful nutrition is. The other was discovering how to reframe beliefs made in early childhood which played havoc with my health and happiness. I now have no trace of cancer; my weight has dropped by 25kg; the muscle weakness has gone and my fashion choices extend beyond flip flops.
Iām now driven to share these beautiful modalities with others who are ready to listen to what their body is telling them and embark on a journey to optimal health.